Cristina McLaughlin
M.S. Student | Computer Engineering
University of Hawaiʻi at Manoā
About Me
I'm Cristina, a computer engineering graduate student at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoā. I've served as a research assistant for the UH Ambient Computing Lab directed by Dr. Darren Carlson, and as teaching assistant for the undergraduate lab Digital Systems and Computer Design.
My current research is focused on creating cyber-physical services for our lab's smart space framework—Ambient Edge. Some examples include indoor positioning services, smart and interactive lighting, and digital/gamified therapeutics using patient bodytracking.
I'm from the small island of Kauaʻi, but recently moved to Seattle. I spend my free time embroidering and sewing stuffed animals. You could say I work with hardware, software, and soft wares!

A slippery hike to Wailua Falls
Research Interests
Fun Facts
I love making lasagna from scratch—including the noodles!
I'm from Hanapēpē, "The Biggest Little Town" on Kauaʻi
Starter Pokemon:
May 2021
University of Hawaiʻi at ManoāM.S. in Electrical Engineering
Relevant Coursework
• Computer Architecture
• Advanced Network Algorithms
• Machine Learning
• Selected Topics in Wireless Security
University of Hawaiʻi at ManoāB.S. in Computer Engineering
Relevant Coursework
• Digital Systems and Computer Design
• Computer Data Structures and Algorithms
• The Internet of Things
Aug 2020 - Dec 2020
UH ManoāDept. of Electrical Engineering
Graduate Teaching Assistant
• Digital Systems and Computer Design: Supervised 165-minute online lab sessions twice a week focused on implementing ARM/LEGv8 assembly programs, SystemVerilog digital circuits, and Xilinx Vivado/FPGA applications
• Developed course material for the transition to online learning—including a Discord server to conduct lab hours, PowerPoints for supplemental information, and videos tutorials explaining projects
• Graded writing intensive technical lab reports with an emphasis on grammar usage and mechanics
Aug 2019 - May 2020
UH ManoāDept. of Electrical Engineering
Graduate Research Assistant
• Ambient Lab Smart Space: Worked both with faculty advisor and independently to conduct 20 hours of research weekly, to implement solutions for the Ambient Edge platform
• Created distance sensing and interactive lighting Edge services using .NET framework and hardware programming
• Implemented a Unity client that streamed messages from an Azure Kinect body-tracking service over the network and dynamically changed the scene according to the user’s physical movements
• Services were designed using REST communication protocol and messages were serialized using Google Protobuf
• Drafted detailed technical documentation on environment setup, hardware setup, project deployment, and service connection
Jan 2019 - May 2019
UH ManoāDept. of Electrical Engineering
Object Oriented Programming Grader
• Lab grader for Object Oriented Programming
• Run and assign grades to programs written in C++ lab
• Read through students code, observe commenting and other programming techniques
Aug 2018 - Dec 2018
UH ManoāDept. of Electrical Engineering
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
• Digital Systems and Computer Design: Delivered weekly lectures and conducted in-person lab sessions with a focus on PIC microcontroller program design, simulations, and circuit implementation. Labs also included Verilog coding, exporting digital circuits to FPGAs, and designing a pipelined processor using HDL
• Supervised student hardware implementation, enforced safety rules, and maintained lab equipment
• Revised lab manuals and materials to match current IDE/design tool updates
Jan 2017 - May 2018
UH ManoāDept. of Physics
Physics Grader
• Graded and alphabetized 150-200 papers weekly for College Physics I/II
• Maintained clear communication with the instructor, but worked independently and efficiently
Technical Skills
Coding Languages
- C
- C++
- C#
- JavaScript
- SystemVerilog
- Xilinx Vivado Webpack
- IntelliJ
- Unity
- Linux
- .NET
- GitHub/Bitbucket
- Raspberry Pi
- Basys 3 Artix-7 FPGA
- Arduino
Activities and Awards

Student Member, UH Ambient Computing Lab