Designing Services and Clients for the Ambient Lab Smart Space


  • March 10, 2021

This was my M.S. final examination/capstone project. It summarizes the work that I completed during my time with the UH Ambient Computing Lab. This project was a really unique and multi-faceted experience. I gained a lot of insight into development of software when it is in it's infancy. It also gave me the opportunity to explore networking, cyberphysical systems, microcontroller programming, and deployment to different platforms.

My favorite part of this project was working with Unity and the Azure Kinect. It was amazing when we finally got it working because we serialized huge amounts of bodytracking data and streamed them over the network. The Unity scene started changing based on my hand movements and I just jumped up and down because it was amazing! Two years of learning the platform, working on small projects, and building up to being able to understand and implement this! :)